Title IX and Equal Opportunity
It is the policy of KIDS RSU #2 to provide an employment and educational environment that is free from discrimination and harassment based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, physical or mental disability, religion, age, ancestry, national origin, or genetic information.
Any student, employee or other individual who believes that a member of KIDS RSU has been discriminated against or harassed – including instances of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking – are encouraged to contact the District’s Title IX & Affirmative Action Coordinator for further information or to file a complaint:
Kristie Clark
Assistant Superintendent
Affirmative Action Coordinator/Title IX Coordinator
Email - AATIX@kidsrsu.org
Phone - 207-622-6351
You may also contact your school’s principal.
Dresden Elementary School → Erik Gray
Hall-Dale Elementary School → Sara Derosby
Hall-Dale Middle School → Maria Brown
Hall-Dale High School → Mark Tinkham
Monmouth Academy → Brandon Terrill
Monmouth Memorial School → Mel Barter
The District’s Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policies, and procedures for filing complaints of discrimination and/or harassment are found below:
AC - Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
ACAA - Harassment of Students
ACAA-R1 - Student Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure
ACAA-R2 - Student Sex Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure
ACAAA - Transgender and Gender Expansive Students
ACAB - Harassment of Employees
ACAB-R1 - Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure
ACAB-R2 - Employee Sex Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure
JICK - Bullying and Cyberbullying in Schools
JIE - Pregnant Student
GBGB - Workplace Bullying
Pregnancy and Related Conditions Resources
Central Maine Medical Center - Maternity Care - https://www.cmhc.org/womens-and-childrens-health/maternity-care/
Maine Family Planning - https://mainefamilyplanning.org/
Maine General - Obstetrics and Gynecology - https://www.mainegeneral.org/locations/locations-profile/?id=169
Planned Parenthood - https://www.plannedparenthood.org/
Maine Human Rights Commission (MHRC )
Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence (MCEDV)
Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MECASA)
Maine TransNet (TransNET)
For help or to report instances of discrimination, sexual violence or harassment, please complete the form below.