Memo to: Families of students who ride Mr. Greg’s Bus
September 22, 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,

With the opening of Alexander Reed Road, we will be returning to pre-road-closure routes. Please review the routes below.

Starting Monday September 26, 2022, Mr Greg’s AM run will start out at 6:30, picking up his first student on the Alexander Reed Road, continuing out to the Brown Road to Beedle Road to Rt 201 back to Toothaker Road, back to Brown Road to Alexander Reed back to Plummer Road to Langdon Road to Stable Road back to Alexander Reed Road to Marcia Buker School to the Middle/High School.

Mr. Greg’s PM run will start out from Marcia Buker School to Alexander Reed to Stable Road back to Alexander Reed Road to Brown Road to Beedle Road to Toothaker Road back to Brown Road to Alexander Reed Road back to Plummer Road to Langdon Road.

Please note, Mr. Greg’s bus will no longer be back tracking on Alexander Reed Road. This means that riders will need to be ready on the first pass. We will be making phone calls to the families most affected by this.

The return to our prior route should save some time on both the AM and PM runs. We will see how the week goes, and if we can start Mr. Greg’s run a little later in the morning, we will let you know of the change. 

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.

Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support.

Katie Spear
Transportation Director
KIDS RSU # 2 7 Reed Street
Hallowell, Maine 04347