Currently, there is a multitude of RMSHS student artwork on display in the Augusta area, both Middle and High school levels. Thank you to Mr. Orth and his students for their hard work.
Below is a list of locations that the work can be found with dates the work will be on display:
Cross building in Augusta. Second floor (which is the main entrance floor) when you enter from the non Capitol side there are hallways to the right and left and there is Middle school artwork, by 4 students, on display in those spaces. This show will be up until April.
Harlow Gallery in Hallowell: Middle school art show located on the bottom floor of the gallery. The show has 9 pieces of work and will be on display until March 23.
UMA Danforth Gallery: Higher Forms of Art. This is the big High school show and we have about 16 pieces of work on display until March 20. The opening for this show is March 10 from 3-5 (though you can see the work now. The gallery is open until 5 M-Th. and until 4 on Fridays. Outside of Sunday it is not open on weekends)
MEA offices in Augusta: Sam Deraps has a Stained glass piece on display until next February. The offices are located in the civic center area and the lobby is open until 5 during the week.