June 2, 2021
RSU 2 will be conducting a collaborative process to identify our common beliefs and a unified vision that will draw us forward over the next few years. Why is a vision important?...

March 17, 2021
Rick Amero, Monmouth Academy Principal, has been named a finalist for Maine’s Principal of the Year!
The award program is sponsored by the Maine Principals’ Association, in ...

February 14, 2021
On this Valentine’s Day morning as I prepare to connect safely with family and friends to share appreciation and love, I am also reflecting on how fortunate we are in RSU 2 to hav...
February 8, 2021
As you create school vacation plans, please keep in mind that RSU 2 requires all staff and students to stay home from school in compliance with travel quarantine and testing requi...

January 26, 2021
Our HDES Principal has been nominated for a great honor by almost a dozen members of the school community and district!
The award program is sponsored by the National Associati...

January 9, 2021
“We know that Maine teachers are doing amazing work educating our students, especially through the impossible challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Commissioner Pender Makin....

December 18, 2020
Offering “Storm Meals” for your child! On days where we have no school due to a storm, or even a remote learning day due to inclement weather, children 18 years or younger can sti...

November 4, 2020
As you create your holiday plans, please keep in mind that RSU 2 requires all staff and students to stay home from school in compliance with travel quarantine and testing requirem...
November 2, 2020
Election Day is tomorrow 11-3-2.
We planned ahead as an RSU in anticipation for towns needing to use our facilities for voting in order to help them meet the physical distanc...
October 28, 2020
Beginning tomorrow 10/29/20, all Dresden Elementary School students will receive remote only instruction. This plan will continue through 11/9/20.
DES Classroom teachers w...
September 26, 2020
Our Covid Response Team continues to meet weekly. We work hard to review the status of all district needs for the hybrid model and ...

September 4, 2020
It is with great pleasure and excitement that I announce to you that our Students will eat for free until December 31, 2020. The USDA has granted the Sta...
September 3, 2020
Seeking Public Comment on The RSU 2 Consolidated ESSA Application

August 26, 2020
RSU 2 is excited to welcome students to the long-awaited new Monmouth Memorial School in September! A small dedication ceremony will be held on Thursday, August 27 th at 6:00 PM...
August 18, 2020
Dear RSU 2 Community Members, RSU2 accepts funding through the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA) of 1965. As part of ESEA, RSU2 is required to provide reasonable opportunity fo...

May 8, 2020
To conclude National Teacher Appreciation Week, we thank not only our teachers but every single employee on our RSU 2 team with this song composed just for you by Dennis Price, Im...

April 9, 2020
RSU2 teachers Thea Hollman and David Morris recognized for continuing music lessons using distance learning tools.
Read the newspaper article here...