Candy Bar Bingo starts tonight at 6 in the gym! Bring your favorite candy bar and some good luck!
almost 6 years ago, Tom McKee
Open Mic during today’s 3-5 lunch is happening right now!
almost 6 years ago, Tom McKee
Family Reading Night happening right now!
almost 6 years ago, Tom McKee
Family Reading Night starts in just a few minutes! See you at MBES from 6–7:30 tonight!
almost 6 years ago, Tom McKee
The March Bobcat Beat is available in the MBES "News" section!
almost 6 years ago, Tom McKee
Notice of phishing emails that may appear to come from RSU2. Read more here:
almost 6 years ago, John Armentrout
The latest Bobcat Beat is available in the News section!
about 6 years ago, Tom McKee
The January issue of the Bobcat Beat is here! Visit our "NEWS" section.
about 6 years ago, Tom McKee
MBES 4/5 concert is happening right now!
about 6 years ago, Tom McKee
MBES 4th & 5th graders are rehearsing for tomorrow’s concert!
about 6 years ago, Tom McKee
RSU2 School Board meeting happening now in the RHS cafeteria!
about 6 years ago, Tom McKee
School Board
Reminder: PTG meeting tonight at 6 pm in the MBES library!
about 6 years ago, Tom McKee
1st graders met a goal and are now choosing their reward!
about 6 years ago, Tom McKee
Reward time
See MBES 1st graders create their own Forest Fairies!
about 6 years ago, Tom McKee
Fairy making
Fairy making lesson
Forrest fairies
Click on the 'NEWS' section of the MBES website to see the latest issue of the Bobcat Beat!
about 6 years ago, Tom McKee
MBES 5th graders are visiting the Gulf of Maine Research Institute today!
about 6 years ago, Tom McKee
Pre-K classes are celebrating “friends” with a pizza party! Yum!
about 6 years ago, Tom McKee
Taking a quick break for a photo opp :)
Good friends!