June 2023 Bobcat Beat Newsletter
Thanks to the families and friends of MBES for a successful year!
Friday is our last day of the 22-23 school year. It's an early release day with pick-up beginning at 11:40. Have a GREAT summer!
To conclude Teacher Appreciation week: A video tribute to our MBES Bobcat Team
As the expressions of care, skill, and joy convey, we are ALL teachers at Marcia Buker!
MBES Bobcat Beat Newsletter
UPDATE: Richmond schools are now CLOSED today, May 1, 2023. ~ Mary
The Richmond schools will be closed today, Monday, May 1, due to multiple road closures throughout Richmond due the storm.
Good Morning Families. We have a one-hour delay today, May 1, 2023, in Richmond due to road conditions.
At MBES, There is NO AM PreK and drop off begins at 8:30.
Stay safe!
RSU 2 FY24 Budget Public Forum Agenda - 4-26-23
There will be a Special Board Meeting on Thursday, April 13, at 6 p.m. at HDMHS in the Cafeteria. Agenda: https://5il.co/1seve
Bobcat Beat--April 2023 (Enjoy!)
There will be a 2 hour delay and no am Pre-K for all RSU 2 schools today, Wednesday, March 15.
MBES student drop off and walker arrival begins at 9:30 AM.
There will be a 2 hour delay and no am Pre-K for all RSU 2 schools today, Wednesday, March 15.
Good Morning, All RSU 2 schools will have a Remote Learning Day today, Tuesday, March 14, due to the incoming storm.
MBES March Bobcat Beat Newsletter--Parent/Teacher Sign-up instructions included.
Thank you for reading! ~ Mary
There will be no school today, Tuesday, February 28, for all RSU 2 schools due to weather.
Good Morning. RSU 2 schools are closed today, Tuesday, February 28, due to the weather.
Hello Marcia Buker Families! Please see a couple of notes below. Thanks, Mary
Bus 4 Update MBES: Thanks to the many parents who will be picking up their children this afternoon, we are able to get all bus 4 riders on the first run.
Some may be a little later than usual but not as late as we had anticipated. For the rest of this week, please be prepared for variable drop-off times.
To Richmond Parents/Guardians of Bus 4 Riders: A reminder to please call your child's school if you are planning to pick up your child any afternoon this week as a result of the temporary changes announced last evening. Depending on how many can pick up their children, we may be able to get all remaining Bus 4 students on our other two buses.
RMHS--(207) 737-4348
MBES--(207) 737- 4748
Thank You!
Please click the link below if your child rides bus 4.
MBES Bobcat Beat February 2023--Some reading to cozy up with this evening!