Reminders and Details: https://www.kidsrsu.org/article/846868
We hope to see you tomorrow evening!
Student Safety at Drop-off MBES Families, When dropping children off at school, please keep them in your vehicle until you are parked and can walk them to the door, or until your car is at the drop-off door. We appreciated the quick good-byes this morning, which kept the line moving. Please remember that drop off begins at 7:30 this year. Thank you for helping us to keep your children safe and supervised! ~Mary
Good Evening MBES Families! We can't wait to greet your grade K-5 children tomorrow! (PreK starts on Sept. 6). Ours doors open at 7:30 AM!
Please be patient as we work out the usual back-to-school kinks over the next few days, and please call the school if you have any questions. ~ Mary
Hello MBES Families! I want to make sure you all received the 2022-23 Marcia Buker Elementary School Student and Family Handbook. The link is below. ~Mary
Mid-summer Updates from MBES Principal
MBES Bus Info: Frederica's and Kim's buses will be running approximately 10 minutes later than normal today. We are operating with only 4 drivers. If you have any questions, please call the office. (207) 737-4748
End of Year Letter from Mary Paine
Message from Nurse Sammi Jo MacFarland
Bus run changes for today: MBES parents, in case you didn't get the email: Notice of bus run changes for Wednesday, April 13 due to athletic trip:
Katie Spear will drive students on Kimball Street, Millbrook Village, and Lincoln Street plus Sam’s usual run. Students may be dropped off a few minutes late.
Kim will drive her normal run plus students on Brown, Beedle, and Toothaker roads. Students may be dropped a few minutes late.
Frederica will drive her normal route plus all of Greg’s 201 students. The 201 students will be 20 to 30 mins late.
Call us with any questions.
Good Morning. Due to the weather there will be a 2 hour delay for Marcia Buker Elementary School. There is no morning Pre-K today. Thursday March 3rd.
Our apologies...We are working on the mask survey link. Please stay tuned for an updated link.
Dear Parents and Staff,
Please take a moment to complete the two-question survey linked below about how we proceed with wearing of masks in Richmond schools. This survey is intended to inform discussions with the School Board on Thursday evening; please complete it by noon on March 3. Thank you.
Masking Survey 2/28/22
Thank you,
Mary Paine
Principal, MBES
There is a two-hour delay for Richmond schools today, January 25, due to slippery road conditions.
Remote Meals are still available!
Richmond bussing back to normal schedules tomorrow 11-29-21
Positive at RMHD 11-23-21. Close contacts being notified. No schedule
MBES 3 new cases. 11-22-21. Close contacts being notified. No schedule changes
All schools in person learning 11-22-21 and 11-23-21.
Thanksgiving break is Wed-Sun. Enjoy the season of gratitude.
Richmond no AM/PM bussing continues for these 2 days.
All schools, except Richmond, in person learning 11-22-21 and 11-23-21. Thanksgiving break Wed-Sun. Enjoy the season of gratitude.