Join our RSU 2 Visioning Team
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Please mark your calendar! Vote next Tuesday June 8th to support our schools. View full FAQ here:
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
How has the RSU 2 budget changed over the past decade? We have worked to create fiscally responsible budgets each year. Since 2009, we have averaged an increase of 1.3% per year. In order to maintain this consistently low level of increases, the RSU eliminated about 38 positions gradually over that time period. If our budget had increased at the same annual rate as the Consumer Price Index, the current budget would be more than a million dollars higher than proposed. View full FAQ here:
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Please help our transportation department prepare bus routes for the fall with in person learning 5 days per week. Take this survey
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
COVID update 5-19-21 Since our last report on 4/28/21, RSU 2 has received reports of 20 positive covid cases. None of those cases required a change in school schedule, but 13 required contact tracing. Please continue to use the daily health screener and stay home if you have symptoms. CDC still recommends the use of masks indoors. This is a requirement in RSU 2 buildings, and please consider doing the same in other settings to help prevent the spread. Here is a link to vaccine information
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Join us for the Hall-Dale Middle School Band concert live-stream tonight! May 26, 2021 at 7:30 PM. Click on the link below to view the live stream on YouTube.
over 3 years ago, John Armentrout
If RSU 2 can’t spend Covid funds on regular expenses, what have we spent it on? View full FAQ here:
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Students have been learning at home this year, so why haven’t costs gone down? View full FAQ here:
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Haven’t we lost students this year due to Covid? Shouldn’t that bring our costs down? View full FAQ here:
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
POOL TESTING. RSU 2 is researching this. Meanwhile, families or staff who are interested can learn more about pool testing TONIGHT from a CDC/DOE promoted webinar with Ginkgo Bioworks, from 6:30-7:30 pm. The registration link can be found, here After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Covid Safety measures remain in place in RSU 2. Please continue to mask, distance and follow all safety measures as directed by school leaders. We need time to investigate the pool testing option that could reduce our requirements, so we will continue all indoor safety measures that have been in place indoors. As of Monday 5/24, masks will not be required while outside. Thank you for your support.
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Why doesn't RSU 2 make deeper spending cuts to lower our taxes? View full FAQ here:
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Watch the Hall-Dale Middle School Chorus starting soon on our YouTube channel.
over 3 years ago, John Armentrout
The RSU 2 budget is increasing by about 3%. Did the district make any cuts to keep the budget from increasing as much? Absolutely!
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
How much will this budget increase my property taxes? How much more individuals will pay depends on which town you live in and the value of your home. For example, a Richmond homeowner with property valued at $215,000 and mil rate of $19.55 could see an estimated increase of $215 in the school portion of the tax bill. A Hallowell homeowner with property valued at $250,00 and mil rate of $21.50 could see an estimated increase of $275 in the school portion of the tax bill. Monmouth’s mil rate is $18.15, Dresden is $18.10, Farmingdale $17.50. The lower the mil rate, the lower the estimated increase. We recognize that these increases are tough for families to manage, particularly this year. But we think it is critically important to provide our kids with the best education we can. View full FAQ here:
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Is the district planning to return to school full-time in the fall? Yes! Everyone wants to return to school full-time. We will use grant funds to expand staffing further in our effort to bring all students back full-time despite spacing requirements that may be in place in the fall.
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
I thought that the state legislature just agreed to fund 56% of local school district budgets, the highest percentage ever. So how is our state funding “flat”? How much funding we receive also depends on the real estate property valuations. The higher the value of real estate, the lower the state contributions to schools. Real estate values in our district have increased, so the state expects us to pay more. View full FAQ here:
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
COVID Vaccines for ages 12+ See list of when and where available:
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold
MBES Principal Search - Please provide input! As we prepare for the search process for the next Principal of the Marcia Buker Elementary School, we welcome your input. Please take a moment to complete the survey linked below.
over 3 years ago, Tonya Arnold