Is the district planning to return to school full-time in the fall? Yes! Everyone wants to return to school full-time. We will use grant funds to expand staffing further in our effort to bring all students back full-time despite spacing requirements that may be in place in the fall.
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
I thought that the state legislature just agreed to fund 56% of local school district budgets, the highest percentage ever. So how is our state funding “flat”? How much funding we receive also depends on the real estate property valuations. The higher the value of real estate, the lower the state contributions to schools. Real estate values in our district have increased, so the state expects us to pay more. View full FAQ here:
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
COVID Vaccines for ages 12+ See list of when and where available:
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
MBES Principal Search - Please provide input! As we prepare for the search process for the next Principal of the Marcia Buker Elementary School, we welcome your input. Please take a moment to complete the survey linked below.
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Wait a minute. If the RSU 2 budget is increasing by 3%, why is the bill to each town increasing by 7%-9.5%? It is very frustrating! We have worked hard to keep the budget reasonable, but our towns increase is higher. How could that be? Two reasons: - The state (not the school district) has a formula that determines how much each town pays. The formula caused an increase in what taxpayers must pay based on changes in mil rate threshold and real estate values. Because the real estate values increased, the state expects towns to contribute more. - No more unspent funds: Last year, we used $500,000 in unspent funds to reduce the amount towns pay. This acted like a one-year credit eliminating the impact of about 1.7% of the increase in the budget last year. Therefore, this year taxpayers need to pay the full amount of the current year’s budget plus the increase in costs in 21-22 for the same programing. This happens every year. Last year for example, the % increases to each municipality was still 3-5%, even after the $500,000 credit was applied. The separate percentages for the town and the RSU budget are not apples-to-apples comparable. The increase in allocation % is the change in town allocation dollar value as a percentage of the previous year’s total allocation for each town. Those percentages will always be higher. View full FAQ here:
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
How much is RSU 2’s budget increasing? 3%. Why? We did our best to keep our budget reasonable and responsible. Our goal is to provide the best education for our kids without asking too much of our taxpayers. That is a hard balance, particularly because many of the increased costs are beyond our control. Here are a few reasons why the budget has increased: - Flat funding from the state: Even though many of our costs are going up, state funding to RSU 2 has remained essentially the same. - Increased teacher salaries: We have been working to raise teacher salaries, both because the state has required it and because we want to attract and retain top teachers. Our budget honors the annual salary increases that the current contract with teachers and all other union staff require. Candidate pool shortages are also leading to hiring of more staff with experience which means higher levels on the pay scales. - Increased insurance costs: Liability, property and vehicle insurances are increasing 18-22%, and more employees are electing higher health insurance coverage levels, which means that the district must pay more for its share of insurance costs. - Inflation: The costs of many supplies and equipment are going up. (Ask any contractor about the price of 2X4s these days!) View full FAQ here:
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
How are communities involved in developing the school budget? We encourage town officials and the public to get involved in the budget process. All our Board meetings (including committee meetings) are posted and open to public, and in the Superintendent and Business Manager initiate meetings with town managers and other officials to hear challenges towns are facing, concerns, answer questions, and provide information on the proposed budget. The budget usually goes through several drafts before it gets approved by the board. View full FAQ here:
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Planning for full-time in-person learning in the fall:
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
SCHOOL LUNCH HERO FRIDAY 5/7/21! Please help us by showing gratitude for these heroes!
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Help celebrate our wonderful school nurses tomorrow!
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
How does the RSU 2 budget get developed? View full FAQ here:
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Happy School Administrator Appreciation Day!
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
COVID Update 4-28-21 Since our last update three weeks ago, there have been 11 positive cases reported district-wide. Contact tracing was required for only 2 of those, one of which was reported yesterday by Dresden Elementary School. In the contact tracing cases, all close contacts were notified with quarantine instructions, and no school-wide scheduling changes were required. Thank you again for the continued efforts to follow the safety measures. As always, please use the daily health screener, and stay home if you are sick.
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Appreciation and Gratitude! If you have a moment, please take the opportunity next week to thank and appreciate our excellent school staff during staff appreciation week. 5/1 - National Principal Appreciation Day 5/4- National Teacher Appreciation Day 5/6- National School Nurse Appreciation Day 5/7- National School Lunch Hero Day Kind words mean so much to these caring generous people.
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Contact Tracing underway at DES 4-15-21 After being notified of one positive case today, calls are being made to close contacts. All Dresden Elementary PreK and Kindergarten students will be remote learning tomorrow. Please continue to use the daily health screener and stay home if you are sick.
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
Child Care Subsidy Available
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
CONTACT TRACING at MA 4-11-21 We just received word of a new positive case associated with Monmouth Academy. Contact tracing calls will continue to be made throughout the day tomorrow. Due to the impact on staffing, all MA students will be fully remote next week. All students should login to their classes at the regularly scheduled time. Principal Amero will be sending an email and any necessary updates as well. Please continue to use the daily health screener, and stay home if you are sick. Over break, we hope you get as much rest as you can and enjoy the outdoors.
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
almost 4 years ago, Tonya Arnold
almost 4 years ago, Mary Paine, Principal, MBES