Two reminders:
First, tomorrow is election day which includes the school budget referendum and the election of school board members. Please take time to go out and vote.
Second, Thursday is the last day of school and it will be a half-day. Please plan appropriately.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/29/22: A total of 23 new cases reported district wide. 0 new case were reported by students or staff at DES.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/29/22: A total of 23 new cases reported district wide. 7 new case were reported by students or staff at MBES and RMSHS. Congratulations to the RHS Class of 2022.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/29/22: A total of 23 new cases reported district wide. 4 new case were reported by students or staff at HDES and HDMSHS. Congratulations to the HD Class of 2022.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/29/22: A total of 23 new cases reported district wide. 8 new case were reported by students or staff at MMS and MA. Congratulations to the MA Class of 2022.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/22/22: A total of 27 new cases reported district wide. 11 new case were reported by students or staff at MMS and MA. A reminder that Monday is Memorial and we will return to school on Tuesday. Please take time this Memorial Day weekend to remember those who have sacrificed to protect our freedom.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/22/22: A total of 27 new cases reported district wide. 3 new case were reported by students or staff at MBES and RMSHS. A reminder that Monday is Memorial and we will return to school on Tuesday. Please take time this Memorial Day weekend to remember those who have sacrificed to protect our freedom.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/22/22: A total of 27 new cases reported district wide. 8 new case were reported by students or staff at HDES and HDMSHS. A reminder that Monday is Memorial and we will return to school on Tuesday. Please take time this Memorial Day weekend to remember those who have sacrificed to protect our freedom.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/22/22: A total of 27 new cases reported district wide. 1 new case was reported by students or staff at DES. A reminder that Monday is Memorial and we will return to school on Tuesday. Please take time this Memorial Day weekend to remember those who have sacrificed to protect our freedom.
Our hearts go out to the Robb Elementary School community in Uvalde, Texas. Please take time to support each other and reach out to our schools if you have any questions. Here is a link from the National Association of School Psychologist with tips for parents and teachers:
Be safe and take care of each other.
Matt Gilbert RSU #2 Superintendent
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/15/22: A total of 24 new cases reported district wide. 2 new cases were reported by students or staff at MMS and MA.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/15/22: A total of 24 new cases reported district wide. 2 new cases were reported by students or staff at MBES and RMSHS.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/15/22: A total of 24 new cases reported district wide. No new cases were reported by students or staff at DES.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/15/22: A total of 24 new cases reported district wide. 18 new cases were reported by students or staff at HDES and HDMSHS.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/8/22: A total of 38 new cases reported district wide. No new cases were reported by students or staff at DES. Please contact your school office if you need an at-home test kit.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/8/22: A total of 38 new cases reported district wide. 10 new cases were reported by students or staff at MMS and MA. Please contact your school office if you need an at-home test kit.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/8/22: A total of 38 new cases reported district wide. 21 new cases were reported by students or staff at HDES and HDMSHS. Please contact your school office if you need an at-home test kit.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/8/22: A total of 38 new cases reported district wide. 5 new cases were reported by students or staff at MBES and RMSHS. Please contact your school office if you need an at-home test kit.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/1/22: A total of 21 new cases reported district wide. 1 new case was reported by students or staff at DES. Happy Mother's Day weekend.
RSU 2 COVID 19 Update for the week of 5/1/22: A total of 21 new cases reported district wide. 10 new case was reported by students or staff at MMS and MA. Happy Mother's Day weekend.